Chapter 3
Most plastic surgeons are good communicators, but few are good educators. Many patients come to the consultation with preconceived notions based on what they have learned from their friends, internet, magazines and television. This leads to a series of choices that can be quite negative.
In my experience few patients know exactly what they want and less what they need; few are open to the idea of choosing the implant or surgical approach that best suits them based on the characteristics of their body and tissues and on the recommendations of their surgeon.
In these cases the surgeon should give up the surgery; In the ideal society, the surgeon’s responsibility is to redirect the patient’s expectations from unrealistic to realistic.
Small implants leave a breast more natural and unquestionably produce fewer complications and long-term re-operations.
Any implant larger than 350 cc, regardless of shape, introduces undesirable compromises that will affect the breast in a predictable way.
This excessive stretching of the breast tissue (gland, fat and skin) will make them thinner with the corresponding loss of livelihood and accelerate the fall of the breast. This may cause you to need additional surgery, Mastopexy, with additional scars.
As the tissues become thinner, you may feel that the implant may be visible through the skin and wrinkles and folds will occur. You should not give up surgery; In the ideal society, the surgeon’s responsibility is to redirect the patient’s expectations from unrealistic to realistic.
Spear, S. L. Surgery of the breast. Principles and art. Third edition.
Tebbets, J. B. Dual plane breast augmentation: optimizing implant-soft-tissue relationships in a wide range of breast type. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 107:5, 1255, 2001
Hidalgo, D. A. Breast Augmentation: choosing the optimal incision, implant, and pocket plane. Plast. Recontr. Surg. 105: 6,2202-2000
Consentimientos informados de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Plástica Reconstructiva y Estética, SECPRE.